Advocacy Unusual workshops: Add a voice, not noise!
  • Creative advocacy
  • Framing
  • Narrative change

Advocacy Unusual workshops: Add a voice, not noise!

If this sounds familiar…

  • You struggle to stand out or constantly need to reinvent strategies in a world that’s changing ever faster.
  • The political context is increasingly polarised and the other side is distracting society from making the right decisions. 
  • You are tired of seeing the usual suspects using the same tired arguments.

… you're looking for Advocacy Unusual

Getting your policy proposals across effectively is hard in a crowded policy and media space. This is however crucial to fostering the common good. 

At Dreamocracy, we believe that lobbying is central to democratic policy making and that we can help constructive interest groups reinvent not only their advocacy strategies, but democracy itself, by mastering and applying the core principles of creativity and collective intelligence. 

Advocacy Unusual delivers:

  • Forceful, value-based, proactive propositions that shape the debate.
  • Refreshed  strategies and tactics that grab your audience’s’ attention.
  • New alliances and collaboration with unexpected players.

What's in Advocacy Unusual for you?

Thanks to our workshops and coaching and our creative problem solving methods, you will:

  • Equip your team, trigger positive group dynamics.
  • Better manage polarised environments.
  • Grab your audiences’ attention with narratives and messages that resonate.
  • Overcome policy deadblocks with novel policy asks. 
  • Make new allies.
  • Design impactful events.
  • Reframe the policy agenda.
Sign up for our Creative Advocacy Masterclasses! One-day Creative Advocacy Foundations masterclasses coming up

We apply Creative Problem Solving to a rigorous process of advocacy strategizing

Creative Problem Solmving is a powerful approach to cultivate creativity and develop original solutions. It is needed when a group facing a complex problem wishes to broaden the scope of solutions at hand in order to get out of “business as usual” and seek new potential strategies, allies or partners to implement those solutions.

What we will do together

  • Inspire you with other successful campaigns in other contexts.
  • Train you in ideation techniques  such as Reverse thinking, Crazy 8’s, Dream parties, Idea Shaker, Photo-language, etc. 
  • Equip you with creative facilitation methods such as brainwriting, Bono’s Hats, World Café, etc.
  • Help you organise differently so that you collaborate and think outside the box.
  • Counsel you to implement your new strategies and nurture new ways of thinking.
References Dreamocracy workshops Advocacy Unusual


The Dreamocracy training ‘Advocacy Unusual’ gave me some very concrete tools to integrate creativity and collective brainstorming more actively into our communications work as a Brussels-based NGO, all the while being one of the most stimulating and fun trainings that I have participated in. It has helped me push boundaries with my team when planning campaigns, to generate more ideas, think outside of the box and tap into everyone’s creative potential.

– Allison Le Corre, Communications Manager at Energy Cities

“Dreamocracy has been supporting the advocacy efforts of Madagascar’s Agora of Landscapes and Forests since 2018. With over 150 member organisations and a complex political environment, Dreamocracy has helped the team and the ecosystem work more collaboratively while integrating the need for real pressure on national and international authorities.” 

– Jean-Philippe Palasi, Founder, INDRI 

“My participation in Dreamocracy’s Masterclass on ‘Creativity skills and polarity management for climate activists’ in October 2023 provided the right kind of inspiration at the right timeI went on to organise a polarity mapping exercise for the field of carbon dioxide removals to help design the C02olDown project which brought a diverse set of stakeholders together to co-create a common EU policy vision.” 

– Sabine Frank, Executive Director, Carbon Market Watch

You’d like to know how Advocacy Unusual can help your cause?

Contact Pauline, a seasoned but repentant lobbyist, with a keen interest in making your cause more impactful!

Write Pauline an email

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