Rethinking Cepi communications and advocacy ahead of new EU political mandate
  • Community organizing
  • Framing
  • Narrative change

Rethinking Cepi communications and advocacy ahead of new EU political mandate

Adapting to policy makers’ demands while staying true to oneself

In recent years the European paper and pulp industry has found itself confronted with novel policy priorities in an increasingly complex and polarised political environment. Unlike other sectors that keep applying usual and confrontational lobbying approaches, Cepi has chosen to explore new creative routes to tackle communications and advocacy in order to best adapt to policy makers’ demands while staying true to oneself. 

Services provided

  • Deep listening, clarification of creative challenges and systemic analysis
  • Intelligent and inclusive decision-making, facilitation of consensus building
  • Design and animation of workshops and collaboration processes
  • Creative narrative shift
  • Creative Advocacy

Cepi and Dreamocracy engaged in a 6 month-project during which we have established a diagnosis and organised 6 workshops to tackle Cepi’s most pressing challenges in terms of communications and advocacy, branding and internal organisation. In order to help Cepi tackle them, we have mobilised the competences listed below:

  • Critical analysis of framing
  • Creative narrative, messaging and storytelling
  • Creative advocacy (Create Problem Solving) 
  • Polarity thinking 
  • Training and capacity building in Collective Intelligence, Creativity and Collaborative Leadership


By the end of the project, success should look like this: 

  • The creative process has produced some very concrete, fresh, bold and impactful solutions to address the team’s priorities.
  • Cepi staff has gained new knowledge, developed their creative abilities, and learned specific methods that they can replicate autonomously.

The team is motivated to keep developing its creative abilities, has cultivated a creative mindset and has put in place new management processes to sustain those ahead of future challenges.

You wish to learn more about our creative workshops?

Contact Pauline Tawil

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